Actionable Insight With Sopact Sense

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  1. Introduction to Impact Strategy: Impacto from SoPact introduces the Impact Strategy platform, focusing on creating impactful strategies for change-makers. The tutorial begins with the basics of Impact Strategy, emphasizing the importance of a well-defined project and familiarizing users with various project concepts.
  2. The Theory of Change and Project Creation: The tutorial explains the Theory of Change (TOC) or Logic Model as a visual representation linking resources, activities, outputs, and outcomes, with an emphasis on data integration. An example project, ‘Girls code’, is created to illustrate the process of defining a project's purpose and setting up a TOC.
  3. Defining Problem Statement and Activities: Participants are guided to articulate a clear problem statement using a specific formula and to define activities that address the problem. The tutorial uses an example related to human trafficking and coding education for young women, showing how to add activities and expected outputs.
  4. Metrics for Impact Measurement: Step 2 of the tutorial covers defining metrics for impact measurement. It explains the importance of metrics in quantifying progress and success, and guides users through adding relevant metrics for each level of their strategy, using the 'Girls Code' project as an example.
  5. Data Sources, Formulas, and Visualization: The final steps involve integrating data sources, using formulas for metric calculation, and organizing and visualizing metrics. The Impact Strategy platform's features, including SoPact Survey and Dashboards, are highlighted for their role in enhancing impact management and strategy visualization.

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